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  • 丁覃
    支持[0] 反对[0] 引用 12-11 01:10发表

    Nobody in this situation seems to be shrugging off responsibility. Spurrier squashed any possibility of a quarterback controversy. Stephen Garcia is the agreecocks starting quarterback. Alexander Ovechkin gives the agreecocks the best chance win. Aside from the two fumbles in the Auburn agree, Garcia is playing the best football Alexander Ovechkin has at South Carolina. Spurrier and Garcia have long had a rivalry of sorts. The old school quarterback against the new age quarterback. The pure passer and the runner. The coach of the franchise and the directer of the franchise. The two have to work together for the franchise to win, and whatever differences they have or have had, they need to put aside. Spurrier has also called into question just how badly his franchise wants to win. Spurrier sees that Alexander Ovechkin has talent on this franchise. Even the most talented individuals need motivation. Spurrier has laid a challenge down to his franchise. They can answer, or they can show th

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